Scottish Popular Sovereignty

and Modern Direct Democracy (DD)

It is the right of every citizen to take part directly in the conduct of public affairs

Local Action Groups

Common Objectives and a Common Route

The following is an extract from the RSS Constitution:


Each unit of RSS is independent and autonomous, retaining its own money and making its own decisions. It does not take orders or instructions from the national level. It is connected to other RSS units and to the national unit by a common objective and a common route to achieving that objective:

  • RSS’s common objective is Self-Determination and, if the People so wish, Independence.
  • The common route is implementation in Scottish law of two UN-recognised Human Rights: direct Political Rights and Self-Determination. Implementing ICCPR, the UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, ratified by the UK in 1976 but never enacted in domestic law, will achieve both.


Political Rights: On 6th January 2025 RSS launched a Petition which, once agreed to by a majority of MSPs, will finally give real meaning to the term Popular Sovereignty (commonly referred to as Direct Democracy (DD) & Decentralised Direct Democracy (DDD)):
Introduction of the right to Popular Initiatives and Referendums (ICCPR Art. 25). You can sign the Petition here

Self-Determination:  On 19th December 2024, RSS wrote to the First Minister demanding that MSPs comply with Schedule 5 of the Scotland Act 1998 and implement ICCPR, without reservation or reference to devolution, in Scottish legislation (ICCPR Art 1).  In its 4th February report to the UN Human Rights Committee, the Scottish Human Rights Commission stated: The Scotland Act 1998 requires both the Scottish Parliament and Government to observe and implement all the UK’s international Human Rights obligations.  If MSPs do not support the RSS campaign, soon to be posted on, they will not be re-elected in 2026.

To achieve the common objective, RSS has defined three strategic priorities:

These three priorities underly the actions of all RSS activists within Local Action Groups as they apply the RSS Campaign model to address local and regional issues.  Should the elected representatives not respect the wishes of the electorate concerned, they will not be re-elected.

RSS’s common objective is Self-Determination and, if the People so wish, Independence.

Sign the Petition in favour of direct Political Rights.